Friday, October 21, 2016

Making a HTML website

Well I've done it, I finally made a HTML website. Its simple, its blue, and it has a picture of a polar bear hugging a husky.

During in class on Monday our Professor had given us a assignment on constructing a simple website. For awhile now we've been learning a lot of the history of the internet. So to have an idea was it was like back in the year 1994 we got the chance to make a website ourselves. Oh and HTML means HyperText Markup language if you don't know. Well coming back home I've got on my laptop and start on making a website. With the instruction from the Professor I thought that it would be quick and easy. It didn't turn out so well. For an hours straight I'm just there pounding on the keys trying to get the HTML program to work. With that I've just gave up and work on other homework I needed to get done. Then on Tuesday morning I just decided on checking on YouTube videos to see what I'm doing wrong. It turns out that I'm not following the directions well enough. I was typing some of the commands wrong. With some changes with the program,  I made a simple website. Here's the code to see

<title>The Know-First Website ever!!</title>
<head><body bgcolor="#91abb6">
<body>Hey guys it's me Dave :) <br>This assignment had taken way too long to understand. But with some YouTube videos I finally get it. </body>
<marquee>Also Professor, in class can you teach me more about the basic of programing? </marquee>
<P><body>And here's a picture of a polar bear hugging a husky O_O <br>
<img src="">

Thank goodness Blogger has a way to show what this mix of letters can be seen as a website. Well anyway I wanted to know if someone else have try to make website. Not one of those user friendly website editor tools. An actual HTML format on a notepad program on your computer. Sure the program might be a little difficult to understand but after awhile its like learning a new language.

Ps. I'm going to try to show how this coding looks like in the next post

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